Sunday, April 29, 2007

Missing In Action

So I've been missing in action, the only reason for this is... Facebook.

Sunday, March 04, 2007

I'm baaaack!

I'm back from Mexico! I tried to post pictures, but it wouldn't let me. When I get my own internet working agin (main computer is on the fritz) and stop stealing wireless from my downstairs neighbours I will post pictures and tell you all sorts of delightful stories. Many include too much tequila and not enough clocks. And I ate a cactus, snorkeled, saw some blue footed boobies (only on these deserted islands and the galapagos!). I can boast that I swam in the ocean every day! The pictures are way more exciting, I hope to have them up soon!

Sunday, January 28, 2007

Day of Dread

Tomorrow I must go bathing suit shopping. It is a day I have been dreading. But the only suit I have is a speedo racing suit, not at all for the beach. Plus if I'm going to wear a bathing suit everyday, I think I want more than one for variety's sake. But college has not been kind to me and I have gained the freshman 15 many times over. This is something I am quite self conscious about. I have been trying to tell myself that there is no fluorescent lighting on the beach and that no one will be looking at me quite as closely as I'm looking at myself in the mirror but it's not doing much to ease my fears. Don't you just wish you could airbrush yourself in real life? Plus all the "helpful" website designed to help you pick the most flattering suit are not helpful at all. How am I supposed to pick just one flaw? What if I have a big chest AND thick thighs? Then what do I do? Perhaps a wetsuit is the way to go. With Spanx underneath for good measure.

Monday, January 22, 2007


For the first time in my university career I am going somewhere warm during Reading Week! Shaun, Rachel, Greg and I are headed down to Puerto Vallarta for a week of sun and relaxing. Except not relaxing because I don't relax on vacation, I see the world! That's what travelling is all about!

Other than that, I don't really have any other big news. The life of a student is boring. Well other than my potential health crisis, but it's not for sure so I'm not worrying about it yet.

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Too bad I already switched out of Science, eh?

You Are An INTJ

The Scientist

You have a head for ideas - and you are good at improving systems.
Logical and strategic, you prefer for everything in your life to be organized.
You tend to be a bit skeptical. You're both critical of yourself and of others.
Independent and stubborn, you tend to only befriend those who are a lot like you.

You would make an excellent scientist, engineer, or programmer.

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Just call me the Crazy Cat Lady

Shaun does. And he tells everyone else to.

Cute, eh?

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Ahhh...the Holiday Season is upon us.

WARNING: You are herein invited to attend a Holiday Party. Should you choose to attend this event, you are herein advised that you do so at your own peril. Food served may be manufactured in factories that may contain machinery that may have touched peanuts. In the absence of any coherent party-based sexual-harassment policy, you are warned that any hugging/touching/casual flirting/wine-stem fondling/hair tossing/breast gazing/butt grabbing will be deemed actionable at law. All guests must maintain a 5-foot distance from all others at all times (spouses included). Appropriate topics for conversation are: work; sports; light political banter; reality-television shows. Any unapproved conversational topics shall be cleared in advance by the Human Resources department. All dance moves shall be preapproved by the HR department. Seminars on these moves shall be conducted twice daily in the small conference room on the second floor between now and the day of the party. All closets, conference rooms, restrooms, and other possible areas of sexual misconduct are to be padlocked for the duration of the event. Small children are to be chaperoned at all times. Any child found playing or otherwise conducting himself in a childlike manner will be summarily removed from the premises. Should you or your partner feel at any point during the party that you have been sexually harassed, socially discomfited, religiously proselytized, or otherwise made to feel uneasy in any way, a team of HR lawyers will be made available to you immediately. Do not minimize your feelings or wait a few days to see if the bad feeling blows over. Prompt attention to any social discomfort is critical to eradicating it in the workplace. Once again, we wish you and yours a very happy holiday season, and hope to make this year's office party the best ever.